FDJ2 2018 Dance Competition

30 April, 2020Photography

This was only my second time photographing the spotlight part of the freestyle and slow dance competitions. And it was the first time I fully understood the how of it all. This also gave me a chance to fully focus on shooting dancers I didn’t know.

There was no way for me to take pictures of every single dancer, so I decided to pick a few and stick to only taking picture of them whenever they were on the floor. Having the dancers alone of the floor for their spotlights gave me more face time with them than I normally get when they’re in a dance-carousel.

I love the challenge of not knowing what a day of dance competitions will bring. It keeps me sharp as a photographer. I’ve always loved taking pictures of people, especially kids. With kids you never know what kind of mood they’ll be in, and it’s up to you as the photographer to make the kids trust you enough to give you those perfect shots.

We’re less than two weeks away from the next dance competition, and I’m already mentally preparing for it.

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