The Hills Are Alive – With My Screams!

5 October, 2008Travel

If you have a fear of heights, there is little that is scarier than driving the San Francisco streets. I’m good with heights. Until I look down. Then I just get paralyzed and I have this crazy urge to scream my head off. Going up the San Francisco hills isn’t so bad. You take a few turns here and there, and never really think about the fact that you’re all the time going up, up up; and eventually you’ll have to make your way down.

So imagine this scenario; you’re driving up the hills, you’re chatting about how beautiful the houses are, you get to the top, and you notice that every street is a one way street, and there is exactly one road for you to go, everything else has traffic coming towards you. Your only option is turning right, only as you start to turn, there is no road there. At least not that you can see from your vantage point behind the wheel. Panicked, you make a sharp left and find a corner to stop your car on the opposite side of where you were supposed to drive. You turn around in your seat and you forget to breathe as you watch other cars going down over the edge. You still don’t see a road there, only cars disappearing over the edge. So, one of you gets out of the car and slowly walks over to the edge where all the cars have disappeared, and yes indeed, there is a road there. Only is so steep you have no clue how to make it down without losing control of your car and cause massive accidents on your way down. Your heart is pumping hard, your hands are so sweaty you’re afraid you’ll lose the grip on the wheel, you’re screaming as you’re driving down; and in all that panic, you can’t help but notice how incredible the view towards the bay is. You’re already out of breath, but it still takes your breath away. It’s crazy, it’s scary, but you do notice the view.

Whether you’re up to driving in San Francisco or not, there is one thing every tourist in this city needs to do. Ride the San Francisco Cable Cars. It’s a little intimidating, but no, you won’t fall out. The drive up and down is smooth, and if you want the full experience, sit in the seat on the outside. And keep your camera handy. There is a lot to see and photograph.

The Hills Are Alive - With My Screams!

San Francisco, California

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